First Trimester · Pregnancy

First time feeling too pregnant!

Last night I experienced my first feelings of being too pregnant to live my life how I used to. An unexpected plan came about for me and a few friends to go out for a drink (Obviously I’d be sticking to the soda water and lime) and so I got excited and ready and hopped in a taxi at 8pm.

I went to my friends house where they were already drinking and felt a bit out of place… But we chatted and I waited for them to finish getting ready before we got a taxi to another friends house at about 9pm. In the taxi one of the girls said “Are you going to be alright tonight? Are you sure? What if someone knocks your belly?” I am only 12 weeks and haven’t ever been knocked in a club before so just laughed it off and reassured I’d be fine. Oh dear! I’m only 12 weeks they can’t think I’m too pregnant to function?! And I’d had a burst of energy that day which made a change to my exhaustion and made me wonder why I wouldn’t be okay.

So we arrived at another friends house as she was getting ready and they finished their drinks there, sitting in her bedroom looking at them all made me have a sudden realisation that I was dressed a bit too modest! In their thongs they touched up their tan and I sat there thinking about my comfy granny pants I was wearing and the fact I hadn’t shaved my legs in about a week… or my down below…

I had to let my belly out of my dress at one point as it was cramping… HOW UNCOOL… So they trotted around in their stilettos and I looked at my kitten heels… I had tried on a pair of higher heels when I was getting ready but couldn’t seem to balance! My center of gravity must be changing! I had to use a razor and took off my black tights… 3 pairs to keep me warm… I ended up feeling more uncomfortable as I had to cover my decency (and granny pants) all night.

Needless to say I ended up home by 10.

I don’t mind really, it was just a weird feeling for me, but this baby feels more comfortable for me now, and I will have my fun nights out eventually but I’m not really bothered by them anymore!

Has anyone else felt this? I’m sure it’s common!

2 thoughts on “First time feeling too pregnant!

  1. Oh totally. When I was pregnant with #1, I was training for a new job, and I was invited to a party. Before we went I lay down (just for a few minutes, I told myself)—and of course I fell asleep at 8:30 and never made it to the party. Ha!

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